Powerslide is about fun, more importantly it's about very fast fun. 60 frames per second kind of fun (the fun I like the most) the game engine is capable of an incredable amount of detail as well, a very good effort considering the consistancy of the frame rate. To start with the game is quite easy to beat, the novice drivers are quite useless, crashing quite often. As you progres through the game to the advanced and expert modes just keeping up with the pack becomes quite the challenge. Then in the Insane mode the bastards are out to get you! So what is that makes this game a "classic"? Simple addictive gameplay that can be refined and practiced untill a very high skill level is achived. I will continue... All images from http://www.ratbaggames.com |
Game Features coming soon.(When I am finished with a feature I'll post it, not before!) Powerslide Gran Turismo Quake I, II and III. (With other ID games, I think this will be a feature on ID software.) Gold Box Games. (The old Dungeons & Dragons system. There were so many games I'm just featuring the game engine, which remained largly unchanged for many years.) |